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  • Ducati Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak: Power, Precision, and Pure Riding Joy

    The Ducati Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak is a motorcycle with MotoGP DNA coursing through its veins. With a 1200cc, 170-horsepower, 92 torque V4 engine—and a backwards-spinning crankshaft—it promises an exhilarating ride. But how does it really stack up? Let’s dive in. A Look Back: The Multistrada’s Roots The Multistrada wasn’t always the refined machine it is today. In fact, its ...
  • Feeling the Grip: Developing Motorcycle Sensitivity

    How do you feel grip on a motorcycle? It’s a tough one, because “feel” is subjective. I can’t give you feel any more than I can give you a sense of humor. But I can offer strategies to help you develop it. Why is Feel Important? Feel is our connection to the bike, the terrain, and even ourselves. Crucially, it gives us confidence. With feel, ...
  • Are “Quick Start Guides” Doing Riders a Disservice?

    I recently received a great question on YouTube: “Why not just give step-by-step instructions like a refrigerator manual?” It’s true, many programs, even my own past content, have relied on specific sequences to solve riding challenges. YouTube loves “listacles” like “27 Simple Steps to the Perfect Corner.” But it made me wonder, are these rote sequences a fundamental problem with motorcycle ...
  • Are You Limiting Your Rider Skills by Avoiding Cold or Wet Weather?

    This question plagues many riders, especially beginners, as winter sets in. Do we miss out on crucial development by sticking to sunny days, or is there more to the story? The Value of Low-Grip Practice (and Its Limits) I firmly believe in the value of practicing in low-grip environments. It’s the best way to truly enhance your skills because techniques ...

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